- A cry in the dark explores universal themes of love, loss, grief, healing and redemption through a unique lens. This story takes you on the journey of a young girls inability to cope with a tragic event which leaves her delusional and dangerous. The concept behind this film explores our social construction of the spiri…
- 馬斯納(Massenet)著名的歌劇,歌德筆下的mythical人物,巴黎巴士底歌劇院的電視直播,《維特》有別於一般流水作業的「舞台紀錄」,至少有以下四大原因:(1)作為舞台導演的積高如何把巴士底劇院那大而無當的空間轉化成十九世紀浪漫主義繪畫的心理空間;(2)作為電視直播的掌舵,積高的處理手法跟電影無異,他的視覺影像不單重現了演出現場的…