搜索 Bertoni

  • 尼森和傑夫是兩個菜鳥犯罪搭檔,在某次搶劫失敗後,他們被腐敗的可疑警探盯上。警探以莫須有的犯罪證據要脅,他們必須潛進某處倉庫取回機密公事包,否則就準備被栽贓入獄。看似完成簡單的工作就能免除牢獄之災,菜鳥二人組沒有想到的是,衰運可沒這麼簡單就放過他們。
  • I topi grigi, an eight-part serial produced by Tiber Film in Rome, is part of the complex saga of Za la Mort, an apache and outlaw who was the protagonist of 12 films, four serials, three novels and various theatrical shows created between 1914 and 1930 by Emilio Ghione (1879-1930).Thanks to his alter ego Za, Ghione wo…
  • 欧美剧剧情
  • Il giardino delle delizie è un film diretto da Silvano Agosti e proiettato per la prima volta in pubblico il 29 novembre 1967 (v.c. n. 49303 del 1-6-1967). Il film, molto censurato in Italia, è stato distribuito anche in Francia (Le jardin…
  • 喜剧片
    Two years after their basketball victory, Los Amigos is reunited by Cecilia, an inexperienced but optimistic coach. Against all odds they find themselves participating in a worldwide watched eSports tournament.