搜索 Bhaskar

  • Abhiram是一个家族企业的唯一继承人,物质条件很好,但是他父母早逝,情感受挫,从此变的对所有女人视如蛇蝎,对婚姻更是敬而远之,那么他究竟为什么会变成这样呢,最后的命运又会如何呢。。。
  • Chinmaya Subedarni, the powerful matriarch of a sleepy village in Nepal, is preparing for her son’s wedding when Suntali returns with a menacing foreigner in tow. Suntali befriends the village tailor, rekindles a relationship with Chinmaya…
  • Sisir Roy (Soumitra Chatterjee) is a 72-year-old man, long retired from a government office as Upper Division Clerk. His family consists of his son Prasanta (Bhaskar Banerjee) and daughter-in-law Mandira(Soma Chakrabarty). Sisir’s wife died many years ago. Everyday. Sisir goes to the park and interacts with different p…
  • 這部電影是很多人進入南印電影世界的入門,劇情除了男女之間的愛情之外,最主要的部份就是在講述父子親情。一個控制慾極強的父親,控制自己兒子的人生長達二十四年。在這段歲月之中,男主角學會了陽奉陰違。在家,他是唯父命是從的乖兒子,而到了外人、朋友面前卻對自己的父親抱怨連連。直到遇見了天真無邪的女主角之後,他開始學習著如何替自己…
  • 一个在美国加州生化实验室工作的科学家Govind因发现他们所制造出来的病毒武器可能会给人类带来灾难性的危害,于是决定要将它毁灭。但他的老板却有意将此武器出售给恐怖组织,另一位美国前中央情报局的探员Fletcher为了个人私欲也想拥有此武器,于是嫁祸Govind为恐怖份子,一段跨国大追捕的行动因此而展开。全片制作精良,动作场景火爆,并名列史…
  • 印度某地,少年阿伦自幼父母双亡,多亏好心的大叔大婶收养方得健康成长。不过在他的心中,恩情最深的莫过于他那美丽的女主人苏珊娜(Priyanka Chopra 饰)。苏珊娜是一名继承了万贯家产的贵族,她善良美丽,颇为下人们敬仰爱戴,但是她的婚姻却充满着不幸。第一任丈夫嫉妒成性,第二任丈夫又沉湎毒品不能自拔,第三任丈夫则有着常人无法理喻得怪…
  • KAAJRO is story of Tilgya belonging to an untouchable caste, who has left no stone unturned to find a proper treatment for his ailing wife. Breathing life into her is one of the most important tasks he faces on a daily basis. It is a continuous two hour long journey of a humble man, his love and care for his wife, his …
  • 一对情人屈从于社会禁忌,压抑着他们的感情,但这样做将他们推向可怕的罪行。
  • A comedy centered on an Indian mother who takes her obsession with marriage into the world of serial murder.