- Paul (Greg Hovanessian) and Rob (Dempsey Bryk) come from different backgrounds. Paul is rich, reckless, and left to his own devices, while Rob is a sensitive kid, close to his working-class family. Rob’s father, Rueben (Greg Bryk, BITTEN, BLOODTHIRSTY, THE LOST SYMBOL), toughs it out as a baker and runs a boxing club w…
- The series centers on Julio Lopez, a punk-ass bitch with a heart of gold who goes out of his way to help everyone but himself. Inspired by the life and stand-up comedy of star, co-creator and real-life punk ass bitch Estrada, the cinematic half-hour comedy eplores Julio's attempts to better his community, overcome his …
- The community that has come together on an idyllic estate near Marburg can be described as etraordinary. All members share a history of eperiences of violence, drugs, and addiction. Yet here at Hof Fleckenbühl, they are all starting a new life – without professional therapeutic help, but with strict rules and mutual su…
- 本片分为5个故事:《索命棕榈祭》为了逃避法律责任,母亲将儿子送到偏远的寺庙当苦行僧。少年跟随师傅们来到一个山村,师傅向其讲述了当地用棕榈祭台祭祀饿鬼的风俗。少年本不以为然,最终却发现师傅言之凿凿;《同房鬼病人》青年因车祸骨折,不得已被安置在一间多人病房养伤。不过病房内只有两人,除他之外还有一个脑死亡的老人。夜幕降临,老…