搜索 Bich

  • 剧情片剧情
    第一集的故事发生于Wilson的女友去世八周 以后。很明显,在这种打击下,他已经了无生趣了,不管医院工作多忙,或者House怎么刺激他,他都完全提不起精神来。面对这样一个活死人,当House遇到麻烦,或者需要与人分享各种好主意或馊主意时,他该投向谁的怀抱呢?好在这个难题在第二集就有了答案——某个尖酸刻薄的私家侦探的出现,使House有…
  • 本片获07年德国奥斯卡(劳拉奖)最佳电影提名,并获得最佳男主角大奖!已到中年的弗朗兹·布莱宁格(约瑟夫·贝尔比奇饰)是个做钢材生意的小外贸商,由于经营不善,公司濒临破产,唯一的希望就是要回一个肯尼亚商人欠他的八万欧元货款,然而此人如今音讯全无。危急中,弗朗兹决定赶往肯尼亚。在这个非洲国家里,弗朗兹得到了女翻译丽拉(西比尔…
  • The first Russian emo-movie, Closed Spaces is a story about the newest generation of Russians. Having grown up in Russia's crazy 1990s, an era filled with constant and drastic change, these teenagers have no solid ground beneath their feet. They are trapped in a strange world in which their money-obsessed parents lead …
  • Over sixty years after the end of the Second World War, forty years after the student revolts of 1968, thirty years after the “German Autumn” of 1977, twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and, in the midst of the social upheaval …
  • 7 short films---------------Serene Hunter – 13 mins. France/USA, Director: Jason BushmanA free-spirited Parisian wants more from the one guy he can’t have, in this stunningly sexy short film. (English and French with English subtitles)Sola…
  • 一个新的生产中心,可能会建立在一个未知的未来。这里生产什么?我们将通过跟踪给定的痕迹来发现。两对手试图解开自己。一只人类绵羊几乎被切成碎片。热烈欢迎他们生活中的作家和演员。讲述故事时,他们的叙述者仔细分析。当大门打开时,那些离开劳动力发电厂的人已经适应了劳动力市场的需求。下一个生产周期开始了……拥有自己意愿、兴趣和欲望…
  • 剧情片
    羅馬尼亞新浪潮悍將培訏(《耐人尋味的追悼晚餐》,41屆)再向高難度挑戰。大地主的華麗莊園,請來客人留宿,屋外冰天雪地,室內討論熾熱。在飲飲食食之間,是連場對話,辯論宗教、戰爭、道德與死亡,觀點開始劇烈碰撞。仍是培訏的招牌長鏡頭,幾年前他取材俄國哲學家索洛維約夫的文本,以即興方式演繹成《三個道德練習》(38 屆),這次忠於原…
  • 恐怖片恐怖
    丹从海边醒来,跑到城里看不见人影,好不容易两个人被棒打一顿。他们此时才发现处于一个丧尸的世界。Dan wakes up on a beach with no memory. He discovers an empty city ravaged by a deadly virus. After befriending a small group of survivors it soon becomes clear the army…
  • Are you addicted to love? Through personal stories of love addicts and the people around them this documentary explores the nature of love addiction. It will seek to understand what happens when "love" takes over your life. If you are addicted to love, love becomes more of a struggle than something great and …