搜索 Bien

  • DeadCrossroadsTheForbiddenFiles
    24 hours in the most haunted places in France. A new kind of ghost show that's already set to become the new standard in mockumentary-type French series.
  • DeadCrossroads
    Dead Crossroads is a new and innovative ghost show, a sinister travelogue that will take you to places few would suspect exist. Armed with video cameras and hiking bags, Fabien Delage - freelance journalist - and French survival guide Julien Mazzitelli explore French haunted ruins, some of the grandest, oddest and unlu…
  • 魂系蒙特卡洛
  • 胆战心惊
  • 绝对好奇第二季
    The development of "Curiosity: The Questions of Our Life", was announced in September 2009.It was to answer questions and mysteries in fields like space, biology, geology, medicine, physics, technology, nature, archaeology, history, and the human mind. It was considered as a groundbreaking series for Discover…
  • 祝你顺利
    《ALLES GUTE》(国内译作“祝你顺利”)是中央电视台电视教学和 GOETHE INSTITUT 的经典视听教材。内容取自德国日常生活,全部实景拍摄,非常实用,是德语的“走遍美国”.每节课后都有重点语法和重点内容回顾,是目前国内难得的德语视听教材!还包括了德国使馆 常见签证问题录音,对大家顺利通过审核和签证应该也会有所帮助。全书一共有二十六…
  • 欧美剧剧情
  • 欧美剧剧情
    Desperate to get her family attention, an overworked mother, lie to them about her condition.
  • 欧美剧
    探索令人惊叹又危机四伏的地中海,叹为观止的野生动物已经适应并实现了长期生存——直至今日。地中海承受着来自人类的巨大压力。生命得以在此繁衍生息的秘密是什么?人类如何能保护这些濒危的生态系统? 发掘动物们为在恶劣环境中生存而采取的独特策略。看一只年轻的雌性蠵龟穿过危机四伏的海域,到内陆产卵;目睹鹳在险恶的直布罗陀海峡上空翱翔…
  • 愤怒的小鸟猪猪传第二季