- What if the apocalypse came... and you were happy about it? Logline: A lazy thirty-something is happy to sit out the zombie apocalypse in his fortified suburban abode, until his wife acts on a more pragmatic strategy for survival, forcing him to become the zombie killer he was trying to avoid.
- A cinematic concert film immortalising last summer’s historic show, which sold out in under two minutes, and saw blur perform their iconic and much-loved songs for 150,000 fans in a transcendent, once-in-a-generation performance that deliv…
- A cinematic concert film immortalising last summer’s historic show, which sold out in under two minutes, and saw blur perform their iconic and much-loved songs for 150,000 fans in a transcendent, once-in-a-generation performance that deliv…
- 1944年8月15日,517伞兵团战斗队空降到法国南部。他们的任务是支援和保护盟军部队向柏林进发。登陆敌方领土,他们属于直接攻击。\r\n 在他们努力去完成使命与部队汇合的过程中,三个孤立的伞兵偶然遇到了迫切需要帮助的法国抵抗组织。他们决定,要帮忙把一些被囚禁的游击队员营救出来。
- 本片作为英雄联盟官方动画剧集,讲述的是在充满蒸汽朋克气息的乌托邦-皮尔特沃夫和由化学品驱动的地下城-祖安中,蔚和金克丝两姐妹,她们在一场激烈的冲突后发现两个人站在了彼此的对立面。她们从此分开,走上不同的道路,朝着不同的命运终点走去,但心中的羁绊又无时不刻 地让姐妹二人想要破镜重圆