- Gut Instincts contains four horrific little tales. Call Me is about a man who thinks a night of passion is in store, but when he gets home, what awaits him is far from passion. In Patterson Road, a group of teens ventures to a wooded area rumored to have a hidden cemetery. They should have been careful what they asked …
- Epiosode 39 of the hugely successful German crime serial "Der Kommissar" which started 1969 by ZDF - more than 1 year before the ARD "Tatort" serial.Those were the days when there were just 2 (!) TV channels available in Germany, so every evening, you had to decide if you watched ARD or ZDF, meaning…
- 经过艰苦的激战,汽车人夺回饱经战火的母星赛博坦。擎天柱表彰了大黄蜂等部下的功勋,随即和千斤顶踏上了前往宇宙深处寻找火种源的漫长之旅。另一方面,宇宙大帝唤醒沉睡在海底的威震天,对他的力量进行升级,以期消灭普神,创造混沌纪元。拥有光速的威震天,气势汹汹向赛博坦逼近。与此同时,大黄蜂等人一面进行赛博坦的复建工作,一面防备红蜘…