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  • <p>  生活在英国小镇的小托,跟妈妈、两个哥哥,还有心生好感的姑娘莫莉,一起过着宁静、明亮、芬芳的生活。生活中也有悲伤、愁苦、失落,和看似解决不了的困境,每每这时,他们就唱起一首名叫《柑橘与柠檬啊》的歌。在歌声中,敏感、柔弱的小托慢慢长大。<br/>  战争的轰然来临,改变了所有人的生活。小托本能地逃避战争的行为…
  • 剧情片冒险
  • 战争片
  • 喜剧片剧情
  • The eight toon "participants" are parodies of famous cartoon figures Spanky Ham is a downloaded internet cartoon as mentioned in a previous episode (Newgrounds.com). Captain Hero is like Superman (DC Comics). Ling-Ling is like Pikachu from Pokémon (Nintendo Games). Xandir is like link from The Legend of Zelda…
  • 动作片动作
    When an Indian commercial airliner is hijacked by terrorists in the mid 1980s, a government agent is tasked with rescuing the 210 hostages.
  • 恐怖片恐怖
    과거 대부호였던 왕할머니의 대저택에 숨겨진 보석을 훔치기 위해 간병인으로 입주하게 된 보영. 보영을 고용한 왕할머니의 유일한 혈육인 김사모는, ‘아무도 데려오지 말 것, 특히 아이’, ‘저수지 근처에 가지 말 것’이라는 조건을 건다. 하지만 보영은, 금기를 깨고 자신의 딸 ‘다정’을 몰래 데리고 가는데... 사람 죽어 나가는…
  • When her two prized dogs and husband are killed in a car crash, Martha Boggs is left with a mental condition and two mentally challenged sons. When the bank comes calling to repossess the family farm, she finds a terrifying way to keep them at bay, and seek revenge for deaths of her dogs.
  • Une princesse persane qui joue de la harpe au cliar de la lune, un garçon qui la regarde (c'est interdi!) tapi dans un arbre, un aigle géant qui aime trop les pierres précieuses, un étranger cruel qui rode, des ruses, la vengeance, l'amour…