搜索 Bouaziz

  • In the beginning there was no earth, no water - nothing.There was a single hill called Nunne Chaha.In the beginning everything was dead.In the beginning there was nothing; nothing at all.No light, no life, no movement no breath.In the beginning there was an immense unit of energy.In the beginning there was nothing but …
  • 在法国出生的兰斯,以拍摄女性肖像著称,从麦当娜到周迅,手法细腻感性而尖锐直接,游走于商业广告和艺术摄影之间,拍出挑逗人心的作品,早已成了女性情色摄影的领军人物。作品展出于世界各地,包括日韩和中国,2003年更与沙治·布朗利在中国拍摄了《上海》一书。兰斯在香港首次举办的摄影个展,名为《粉红,正是巴黎》。展览由Louis Roede…