搜索 Bouzid

  • 剧情片剧情
    Bouzid’s sophomore film details the sexual awakening of Ahmed, a young French man of Algerian origins. His encounters with Farah, recently arrived from Tunis, paired with Arab erotic literature, forces him to reexamine his understanding of…
  •   法里德正在法国学习成为一名律师,因为家庭紧急情况迫使他一生中第一次前往父亲的家乡阿尔及利亚。
  • 战争片历史
    石头(苗亮 )作为中国人民解放军一个缩影,辗转在建军史上的多个重大事件及战役中,并且与八路军女战士(宋之光)在圣地延安萌生了一段刻骨铭心的爱情,然而战争又一次无情地吞灭了那些美好与感动,石头在失去至爱的心理打击下重回战场,在那些炮火纷飞的年代里,他不惧牺牲、英勇顽强,只为让后人重拾美好、幸福与自由……
  • The directing debut of Atef Ben Bouzid, Cairo Jazzman, a political music documentary set in the heart of the Arab world, tells the engaging story of the critically acclaimed Cairo Jazz Festival and its founder Amr Salah. Dedicated to the Egyptian people, the film captures rarely seen facets of civil society and everyda…
  • 剧情片剧情
  • The film concerns to men in their early twenties, Hachemi and Farfat, who live in the Tunisian city of Sfax. Hachemi, a carpenter is under a lot of stress because he is about to be married to a woman he is not in love with in an arranged marriage. Farfat is the victim of disparaging graffiti painted on wall around thei…
  • The making of a martyr, the making of a man, and the making of a film. Bahta is 25, Tunisian, a hothead who excels at break-dancing. When he thinks a woman he likes may be seeing another man, his injured pride mixes with his Arab anger at Western insults to Islam, so he gets in trouble with the cops. For sanctuary, two…
  • 摩洛哥北部城市丹吉爾神秘又美麗,集東西多元文化於一身,連滾石樂隊與大作家田納西威廉斯都曾趨之若鶩,被其驚艷迷惑。德國音樂人Pia與Tom為尋找創作靈感涉足這片奇異國土,誰知靈感尚未找到,已在酒吧遇上美艷舞者Amira。Amira剛被家人趕走,三餐不繼,遇上來自德國的音樂人自然扭盡六壬要抓住最好時機。另一方面,單純的Pia卻以為來位陌生少…
  • 剧情片生活