搜索 Boyce

  • 曾经是才华横溢的钢琴家,如今却贫病相加,使他对未来失去了信心,他没有留在医院里,连医生的忠告也置之脑后,依旧与香烟、咖啡为伴,以至再次被送进医院。帮助他的是一位妓女,她喜欢人们叫她戴安娜,她有两个儿子,住在肮脏的汽车旅馆里,大儿子染上毒瘾,只是回来要钱,他的同伴甚至刺伤了她。即使生活如此艰难,她依然有自己的梦想,等待着…
  • 人过中年的家庭主妇罗丝•马特修(Cayle Chernin 凯勒•彻宁 饰)生活美满,但他的丈夫乔治(David Boyce 饰)举止却越来越怪异。乔治无法目睹妻子杀鱼的场面,去海边时则喜欢像鱼一样游泳,他在家里订制了巨大的水族箱,每天沉迷于观看游弋的鱼儿。某天晚餐时分,乔治坦言希望变成一条鱼,而罗丝则认为这纯属无稽之谈。执著的乔治并未理会妻子…
  • Henpecked misogynist Richard Davis murders his shrewish wife and goes out to dispose of her corpse. However, things go awry for Richard after he’s abducted by a pair of insane lesbians who take him to their house where they keep a grown wo…
  • 凯丽安(莎菲尔·波伊斯 Sapphire Boyce 饰)是一个天真烂漫的8岁小女孩,她生活在一个不算富裕的家庭之中,父亲雷克斯(文斯·科洛斯莫 Vince Colosimo 饰)是一名矿工,整天沉浸在他有关蛋白石矿石的幻想之中。凯丽安有一个哥哥艾斯摩尔(克里斯蒂安·拜尔斯 Christian Byers 饰),照顾这对兄妹的主要责任落在了母亲安妮(杰奎琳·麦根斯 J…
  • Harry, Billy and Dean are three hustlers at different stages in their careers. All must deal with the realities of their profession. One falls in love with a client, another enters deeper into denial, and another begins to learn the ropes.
  • When smart, musically talented and popular high school student David Sinclair unexpectedly commits suicide, shock and unanswered questions reverberate throughout the school. David was perfect, so where did he or his friends go wrong? His best friend, Chris Townsend (Reeves), struggles with his friend's death and asks h…