搜索 Brackin

  • Recently divorced Thad Sitter (Clayne Crawford) works part-time at a weight loss clinic in southwest Missouri, but the real money comes from moonlighting as a go-between for his boss, weight loss guru Gayle Benson (Heather Roop), and her illegal diet pill suppliers. It's all working out until the suppliers raise their …
  • 小鎮近日血案頻傳,警方調查發現受害者身上滿是野獸齒痕,且種種跡象顯示是附近森林裡的野狼所為。到了月圓之夜,一名同樣遭受野狼攻擊致死的女子從墳墓中爬了出來,她發現自己的動作變得敏捷、力量異常強大,一股嗜血的渴望不斷湧上心頭…她逐漸意識到自己身肩著重大使命,因為只有她才能阻止狼群的攻擊再度發生!