搜索 Brande

  • 位於路易斯安那州的察爾斯湖是享受陽光與休閒時光的世外桃源。一群20出頭的青少年週末相約於島上的查爾斯湖畔小屋開趴享樂,其中一人卻下落不明。越來越多人消失於湖中,種種跡象顯示為巨鱷所為,此起彼落的尖叫聲使人不寒而慄。驚慌失措的他們意識到賴以逃生的船隻飄離岸邊,求助無門只好眼睜睜的看著朋友一個又一個不幸於湖中罹難。他們之中能…
  • 老人养了一只聪明的猫。这天老人要开个生日派对,健忘的老人随手把鸡蛋放在长椅子上压破了,面粉罐不知何时吃空了,仓库的钥匙又莫名其妙的掉进井里头。眼看着生日派对就要开始,老人和猫要怎么联手做出一个没有蛋又没有面粉的蛋糕呢?这一切都是因为厕所的门打不开那天开始,派特森被困在厕所内并且大发雷霆,要求芬达猫把一团乱的厨房收拾干净…
  • You're not hallucinating (but they are)... It's the legendary toker jokers Cheech & Chong as you've never seen them before -- in their very first Animated Movie. Catch the buzz as their most outrageous routines and laugh-out-loud lines from their Grammy Award-winning albums come to life, m.yakubd.cc including "Dav…
  • 剧情片
    Follows the Spanish group Locomía, showcasing the ins and outs of club culture, the golden age of record companies and the explosion of Latin music in Miami.