- 赫法特管理着家族餐厅,巧遇了多年不见的初恋情人莎迪雅。但赫法特已经被指腹为婚,对方姑娘其实也有自己的心上人。再加上觊觎着家族餐馆的法里德,小镇人际关系错综复杂。赫法特决定用一场婚宴揭露开所有一切。
- A beautiful, powerful and innocent young man, from a devout Orthodox family in Brooklyn achieves unintentional greatness in the most unlikely arena of all...Division 1, deep South college football.
- The dancehall music scene that reverberated across Brooklyn in the 90s and its ever-present influence on a younger generation
- 该片根据朱迪·布鲁姆撰写的同名小说改编,该书于1970年首次出版,讲述六年级小学生玛格丽特·西蒙(弗特森饰)对青春期有关的一切充满疑问,她在满世界寻找答案。她的母亲(麦克亚当斯饰)和外婆(贝茨饰)试图在这个一切都在发生变化的时期引导她。母亲和外婆也发现,人不会停止怀疑自己走的路是否正确,也不会停止思考生命中什么才是有意义的。萨弗…
- A documentary about the comedian and filmmaker Albert Brooks which includes interviews from Sharon Stone, Larry David, James L Brooks, Conan O'Brien, Sarah Silverman and Jonah Hill.
- You are following the lives of a family who have chosen not to take the microchip implant but instead live a life with no home and consistently on the run from the one world government known as the F.A.T.H.E.R.