搜索 Bru

  • Sessão Bruta
    A Brazilian collective of cross-dresser, transgender and non-binary friends filmed themselves in 2018 with a Mini DV camera, spontaneously and with little preparation. Four years later, the collective, As Talavistas & ela.ltda, edited the raw material to create a succession of prologues to a film that, as they say …
  • 喜剧片犯罪
  • 圣诞女巫
    In this adorable sequel to "Christmas Thieves," Frank and Tony are babysitting for Liam and Olivia, while their parents Emma and Peter are out shopping for last-minute Christmas presents. Emma and Peter get into an accident with Santa Claus, and have scared off all of his reindeer. Santa needs to call for bac…
  • O Natal do Bruno Aleixo
  • Border Conversations
    In November 2021, people tried to enter the EU via Belarus and Poland, but the route turned out to be a death trap. All access points to the border region were blocked in order not to create an escape corridor. Men, women and children were stuck in no man’s land – in the middle of winter, in the middle of the forest, f…
  • 恐怖片剧情
    The story takes us to a small and quiet town to which the Féral family are moving while doing everything they can to appear normal. Their son Philémon, a gentle and introverted 17-year-old, suffers from a strange condition which he must co…
  • 国产剧剧情
    许愿,北京潘家园小古董店quot;四悔斋〃的老板,古董鉴宝界最具权威的quot;五脉梅花quot;家族之一许家,唯一的传人。为了楸出隐藏在五脉之中的〃老朝奉〃造假势力,许愿孤身一人入局破局,与 庞大的古董造假集团展开层层较量,却被设局指引牵扯出两幅《清明上河图》真赝难辨的惊天秘密。随着迷局的层层解开,境外神秘的造假势力也浮出水面,而这…
  • 动作片动作
  • 动作片剧情
  • 恐怖片动作