- Diego and Emilia are a conservative couple with 16 years of marriage who have lost their spark, until Tomas and Betina rescue and introduce them to the forbidden world, changing what they know about intimacy, relationships and sex.
- The story of two rival bosses who, following the strategic release of one of the two, will unleash a whirlwind of events, inevitably overwhelming the members of their families. A fight for honor and revenge that will be thwarted by a stubborn and dutiful Carabinieri Colonel, who will heroically seek justice in alliance…
- In November 2021, people tried to enter the EU via Belarus and Poland, but the route turned out to be a death trap. All access points to the border region were blocked in order not to create an escape corridor. Men, women and children were stuck in no man’s land – in the middle of winter, in the middle of the forest, f…
- The story takes us to a small and quiet town to which the Féral family are moving while doing everything they can to appear normal. Their son Philémon, a gentle and introverted 17-year-old, suffers from a strange condition which he must co…
- 许愿,北京潘家园小古董店quot;四悔斋〃的老板,古董鉴宝界最具权威的quot;五脉梅花quot;家族之一许家,唯一的传人。为了楸出隐藏在五脉之中的〃老朝奉〃造假势力,许愿孤身一人入局破局,与 庞大的古董造假集团展开层层较量,却被设局指引牵扯出两幅《清明上河图》真赝难辨的惊天秘密。随着迷局的层层解开,境外神秘的造假势力也浮出水面,而这…