- This film dwells on a Papuan teenage boy (Arnold, 15 years), who meets a woman at the port and is obsessed by a desire to kiss her. At the same time, his father (Bertold, 41 years), an activist and a cassowary dance instructor, is being hunted down by some unknown people because of his political activities to demand ju…
- 皮埃尔-费杰(1902-1996)是法国当代著名摄影家之一,以拍摄非洲及拉美第三世界国家黑人生活和宗教活动的照片而闻名,从46年起他一直居住在巴西巴伊亚州和非洲。Documentary about French-born Pierre Verger, who lived between Bahia (Brazil) and Africa from 1946 until his death in 1996, …
- A layered historical docudrama centred on a forgotten Filipino revolutionary who led a peasant revolt against American colonialism.一个电影制作者重访了小镇Tayug来筹备她的新片,她想要拍摄当地的英雄Pedro Calosa和1931年的Tayug事件。她重访那些故址,想象着自己电影中的场景。随着她对Tayug的调查不断深…