搜索 Buechler

  • The Potter family has just moved to a rented apartment in San Francisco. Harry Potter Sr. and his wife Anne are bringing the packages to the apartment and their son Harry Jr. and their little daughter Wendy Anne stays on the sidewalk. Wendy goes to the laundry room, she meets the wicked troll Torok that uses his magic …
  •   In the 1930s a horror-comic artist's creations come alive and kill him. Years later a new cartoonist revives the creatures in his house, now part of an artist's colony.
  •   加考伯森带领一个科学考察队来到南极,他们并不知道在他们的研究为高科技试验室带来了极度的危险。队长莫尼卡发现了远古时代遗留的生物,她和加考森把这个生物移到美国的季奥特实验室进行研究,但是谁也没有料到,其中一个古生物竟然复活了,这只像吸血鬼一般的古生物,正把自己的魔爪伸向了季奥特实验室里所有的人。
  • 一千年前,圣诞精灵Holly Boy被黑暗King Otto下咒而变成石像,圣诞从此失去欢乐和意义。直到二千年的圣诞,高中少女Britta以伤感唤醒了沉睡的Holly Boy,但King Otto也重生,并会再次破坏欢乐的圣诞。Britta要克服心中的恐惧,而Holly Boy也要消灭恶魔,二人各为保卫学校和森林而奋战......
  • In the industrial district of downtown Los Angeles, Dr.Harrison Parker (Jeff Fahey) has developed the Eden Formula."This new,revolutionary,cutting-edge technology can synthetically qiwan.cc reproduce virtually any organism. And it does!
  • 恐怖片
    In the 1930s a horror-comic artist's creations come alive and kill him. Years later a new cartoonist revives the creatures in his house, now part of an artist's colony.
  • 恐怖片