一部混合纪录与故事的作品。曾被纽约TIMES杂志评选为全年十佳电影之一。奥斯卡最佳纪录片提名,最佳剧本及摄影提名。A documentary account of the rehabilitation at the Wiltwyck School of an emotionally disturbed Black boy who is unwanted, misunderstood, and inwardly torture…
讲一吸毒少女的苦难经历,前南影坛的另类导演Jovan Jovanovic将贝尔格莱德地下亚文化的真实一面暴露在观众面前。Naturalistic and almost documentary account of the heroin addicts in Belgrade, in the form of a sad life story of young girl and her wasted life. In spite of…