搜索 Cardina

  •   北极圈内小镇,少年卢克发现因熊妈妈被抓回北极野外而在自家仓库偷吃东西的萌熊熊小佩左。如果小熊被发现,就会被送到动物园供人参观。勇敢的卢克决心送这个小吃货回到妈妈身边,只身一人带着小熊穿越千里融冰,开启了极地生存游戏,掉入冰窟,遭遇百年一遇的暴风雪,又有居心叵测的猎人追击,少年和小熊能否平安到达熊妈妈身边?
  • <p>  14岁的少女穆谢特(Nadine Nortier 饰)生活在法国的乡间,她的童年暗淡无味,充满艰辛。父亲(Paul Hebert 饰)是一个贩卖私酒的贪杯酒鬼,对家务不管不顾;母亲(Marie Cardinal 饰)病入膏肓,终日躺在床上等待死神的莅临;尚在襁褓中的弟弟整天哭闹不止,令人心烦气躁。家庭的磨难让这个小女孩过早成熟,她打工赚来的钱被父亲…
  •   Five disparate youths, lost on a road trip to the location of the infamous 'mangrove slasher,' end up being pursued by a cadre of cannibal clowns.
  • 动作片动作
  • 喜剧片冒险
    外星人吃了我的作业,是《罗德·奥尔布莱特和银河巡逻队》系列畅销丛书的第一册,由国际著名作家布鲁斯·考威尔撰写,四册传奇故事,在世界各地,已经售出超过1700万本,并被翻译成16种语言。\r\n  当一艘迷你星际飞船撞入了12岁的罗德·奥尔布莱特的卧室时,是他和他表妹星际冒险的开始。外星银河巡逻队招募了一群外世界的飞行员,罗德表兄妹…
  • THE SAVER tells the story of Fern, a teenaged girl who finds herself orphaned in the middle of a harsh Montreal winter. Determined to avoid her mother's tragic fate, Fern sets out to build a new life for herself. When Youth Protection comes looking, she bolts. At one of her mother's cleaning jobs, she finds the book 50…
  • The life of Giulio, a boy who never felt in the right body. At the age of 27, he decides to undergo surgery and to take a trip to Bangkok, to change his gender and become physically and physiologically a woman. That path will bring Giulio to re-evaluate the relationships with his family, his partner and his friends and…
  • Brakes is an improv-based dark comedy set in London.