- The film depicts the rise to power of Alcide de Gasperi and the Christian Democratic Party in post war Italy and ends with de Gasperi's retirement in 1954.It is both a personal film (Rossellini makes no secret of his admiration for de Gasperi) whilst at the same time it does not lose sight of the historical context (de…
- 当熊猫阿宝为成为真正的神龙大侠做准备的时候,他的生父——熊猫李山突然到访。与此同时,拥有神秘力量的反派天煞登场,妄图制服所有高手,统治武林。相传在与世隔绝的熊猫村有着对抗天煞的力量,为了拯救苍生,阿宝与父亲踏上了归途,而阿宝的好伙伴悍娇虎、金猴、灵蛇、螳螂则一同拖延天煞,阿宝不仅肩负着成为真正的熊猫大侠的使命,还要让村…