搜索 Carrie

  • La dernière semaine d?une jeune fille désenchantée, retrouvée morte dans la neige.
  • 2012年度公告牌音乐奖(Billboard Music Awards)颁奖礼将于5月20日在美国拉斯维加斯米高梅大酒店举行,阿黛尔(Adele)横扫12项大奖。公告牌音乐奖以每年的排行榜榜单为依据,其中包括实体唱片和下载销量、单曲销量、电台点播量以及巡演票房收入等等。
  • Tom is forty. He walks out one day, rather abruptly, on his wife and baby boy and his seemingly happy life. He finds himself living on the streets of London. One night alone in a park he is mistaken for a gay man and is set upon by a gang of violent thugs.In A&E the next day Tom meets Aidan, the happiest, fast-talking …
  • 本德和克雷格在7-11便利店外面遇见劳拉和雷切尔,在克雷格的游说之下,雷切尔当下答应了他到郊外游玩的邀请,劳拉也带上了她身边的年幼弟弟一起跟去,但郊外却有可怕的东西等着他们......
  • 源自创作歌手韦斯·柯林汉的音乐灵感,SIRONIA是个关于一位才华横溢却不断被好莱坞音乐机制折磨的音乐家的故事。因为职业生涯受挫,托马斯·费舍尔和他的妻子莫莉冲动地收拾行装搬到德州的小城镇Sironia与小舅子一家同住,希望能过上更真实愉悦的生活,并顺利生育抚养第一个孩子。尽管环境发生了变化,托马斯仍然对逝去的梦想抱有深深的怨念,并…
  • In 1956, there was an uprising of Hungarians against their Russian overlords, which the Russians briefly allowed to flower and then ruthlessly suppressed. One suspects that the country's rulers knew about the uprising in advance and permitted it to continue so as to be able to identify who was most actively involved. I…
  • Radio talk-show host Nick West finds himself framed for the murder of one of his female listeners during a live show. Now a fugitive on the run from a determined cop named Jackson, and a sleazy gangster named Vincent who wants to collect the bounty on Nick's head, Nick ventures into a sordid underworld with a little he…
  • Rosine and her mother Marie have been living together as friends for 14 years. 14: that's how old Marie was when she had Rosine. 14: that's how old Rosine is when Pierre, her father, returns. Pierre now wants to make up for lost time, to catch up with Marie, and to capture Rosine (with his incestuous intention). But Ro…
  • 滑铁卢战役15年之后,男爵依然拒绝接受战败的事实。他很不情愿的娶了波旁皇族姐妹的其中之一,但是与其妻的前情人进行了一次证明自己的决斗
  • Loosely based on the notorious Richard Speck murders, this is the grim tale of a disturbed Vietnam vet returning home via Belfast, who invades a house shared by eight nurses and proceeds to terrorize and murder them.