- South Sudan is the youngest country in the world, at war with itself, with over 350,000 people killed since its inception in 2011. However, through this darkness, its endless cycle of conflict has hope: the determination of young women and men who refuse to give up on peace. Gatjang, a referee in a refugee camp of Juba…
- An entomophobic filmmaker faces her fears through a series of epeditions and encounters with a Hungarian neurologist obsessed with beetles. Curious about what his passion for insects can teach her, director Mariana Castiñeiras perfectly pins the thrill of discovery. Why do desire and fear fade once conquered? How do co…
- 绫香市已经有一年多没出现过怪兽了。凑家一家人开始朝着自己的梦想努力奋斗。可是,唯独只有活海还没有想好未来究竟想要干什么。活海有一位高中同学叫户井。当年,户井立志要学游戏制作。他们毕业后就没再见过了,活海打算去找户井叙叙旧。没想到的是,户井辞去了游戏公司的工作,天天宅在家里打游戏。活海看到户井这个样子备受打击。 而后一位…