- What would you do if you accidentally dialed a wrong number and got the following message? "Everyone wears the mask of sanity simply because it is part of their vanity. They say it's ill to kill. But who are they? Put to death. Deprive of life. Rule out. Delete, erase. Extinguish my flame. Ah, you have no clue. No…
- Documental producido por Nativa que retrata los principales Cafés portenos, su inscidencia en la idiosincracia rioplatense, su importancia como lugar de encuentro cultural, y su estilo que caracteriza a la ciudad.
- Che: Rise and Fall is the most complete work yet produced on the trials and tribulations of Argentine born Ernesto Che Guevara. The documentary is structured in three main acts. The first relates to the early years in Argentina, his friendship with Alberto Granado and the preparations for the long journey through South…
- 由《绯闻女孩》两位主创Josh Schwartz和Stephanie Savage在Apple TV+开发的新剧《焰火之城》(City On Fire)定档5月12日开播。这部八集组成的剧集将在首播周更新三集,此后逢周五更新一集,于6月16日季终。这是Josh和Stephanie早前与该流媒体签订优先合作条约的首个项目。与《绯闻女孩》相似,故事同样改编自同名小说,Garth Risk …