- “冰川三部曲” (Glaciation Trilogy) 的第三部~ 根据真实事件改编~ 1993年12月23日, 一名19岁学生持枪闯入奥地利一所银行向客人乱枪扫射, 令三人丧命, 事后该学生在自己的车上吞枪自杀~ 这宗银行血案, 集合了一班身份、背景、年龄各异的奥地利人, 电影以大堆零碎的片段, 追寻他们在凶案发生前的生活剪影~ 来自罗马尼亚的小孤儿流落街头, 辗…
- The rag-tag group of street kids known as the Irregulars first appeared in the Sherlock Holmes novel A Study in Scarlet in 1887. This time, the Irregulars find themselves having to solve the mysterious disappearance of two of their own gang, while Holmes himself is accused of murder and put under house arrest. Only by …
- 19 year old Jamie just wants someone to love. With no one to call his own he just decides to put an end to it all. That is until a visitor from beyond shows Jamie that his life has meaning and that he needs to stay alive and fulfill his destiny. But the visitors motives may not be all for the good in this over the top …