搜索 Charley

  • At Stanlio's urging, Ollio foists himself off as the dread singing bandit Fra Diavolo and unknowingly attempts to rob the notorious brigand himself. As punishment, Diavolo orders Stanlio to hang Ollio, but gives them a second chance when Stanlio bungles the job. Taking them on as his retainers, Diavolo travels to the T…
  • I love this movie. I was reduced to tears the first time I saw it and am reduced to tears every time I've seen it in the 50 years since. Talk about a movie holding up over 70 years. To my mind, it's the Citizen Kane of comedy. Everything about it is pitch perfect. To watch the boys as they sink deeper and deeper into a…
  • James Mullinger 为成为一个著名的喜剧演员奋斗着(基于同名,一位真实的喜剧演员人生编著),他遇到了他人生的十字路口;没有人愿意看他的表演,他的妻子也厌倦可这种生活,并且他的老板给了他最后通牒-赶快提升,不要再做独角喜剧,否则坚持这样演喜剧,最终失去工作。在他的伤口上撒盐的是,他的老板把他送到洛杉矶去采访在现实杂志中才能见…
  • 根據阿雷西勒凱耶的小說改編,巴黎刑事組組長馬丁調查一樁七人死於巴士上的案件,另外,一名住在郊區的青少年和好友的媽媽通姦,兩件事有什麼關聯?
  • 故事始于20年前,彼时Lou Slack还只是一名机智、但陷入职场调查的女警;而Col McHugh则是当地帮派一名刚入行但雄心勃勃的信任。两人此后相遇,并达成了一项将永远改变彼此生活的协议,并建立了一种复杂但特殊的关系;这笔交易让Lou扭转了自己的职场运,此后她取得的成功都建立在欺骗和腐败的基础上;而Col成长为一名迷人的商人和房地产开发商,…
  • 《坠机现场重现》将调查并揭秘全球最广为人知的空难事故,通过幸存者故事、专家采访和黑匣子数据,呈现飞机失事前的紧张时刻。不过,这些空难是可以避免的吗?一组优秀的测试飞行员,借助最新的飞行模拟器,帮助观众了解机舱内的极端环境。 当危险来临时,飞行员需要在分秒之间做出事关生死的决定。他们的专业和所接受的训练如何影响他们的决策…
  • 绝世险途第一季
  • An addicted memory dealer is chased relentlessly by federal narcotics agents bent on keeping the secrets he has locked in his mind hidden.
  • CharleyMoon
  • When an alien abduction nightmare is revealed to have been much more than a dream, a skeptical grad student studying the "modern mythology" of UFOs and ETs finds himself confronting an impossible reality involving shape-shifting extraterrestrials, implanted objects, organ harvesting and humans possessed by a …