搜索 Chela

  • 年轻姑娘胡安娜对歌星加德尔情有独钟,为此嫁给了外貌及演唱风格酷似加德尔的酒吧歌手伦索。为使丈夫成为像加德尔一样的歌星,胡安娜在表兄怂恿下,陪伦索到国外演唱,但在演出时中途受挫,胡安娜返回故里,伦索只身来到麦德林。正在麦德林进行巡回表演的加德尔因感情问题放弃了演出,使一贫如洗的伦索有机会代替加德尔登上舞台。正当伦索为观众…
  • Tadushepa grows from a young princess from the Mitanni kingdom to the legendary Queen Nefertiti of Egypt. The film starts with the discovery of her bust by a German archaeologist in 1912 and then turns the time back to the moment just before she is married to the old Pharaoh Amanophis III. She must say goodbye to her l…
  • 威尼斯护士安德烈娅来到罗马找工作,她很快应聘到一家医疗诊所当护士。她将面对医生特殊的一家:爱揩年轻女病人油的医生,被医生忽视而红杏出墙的妻子,慕男狂的女儿,弱智的儿子,春心荡漾的老父亲,听话的黑女仆,还有一头雄海豹……
  • A Fascist pilot, Lt. Gino Rossati (Massimo Girotti), is flying a bombing run from Italy to Greece in the early spring of 1941. He is shot down by British aircraft and becomes a prisoner of war, first of the British and later the Greeks. In one of the prison camps, he falls in love with Anna (Michela Belmonte), the teen…
  • *本电影为剧场版,请先观看前两季,否则将严重影响观感。   剧情续接第二季结尾,希尔达一觉醒来发现自己与小巨魔Baba交换了身体,妈妈Johanna发现后誓要找回女儿。而希尔达必须利用勇气与智慧重返家园,揭示真相并拯救特洛尔堡。
  • 恐怖片恐怖
    一场交通事故,让杰西卡(莎拉·米歇尔·盖拉 饰)的丈夫瑞恩(迈克尔·兰德斯 饰)和小叔子瑞曼(李·佩斯 饰)陷入昏迷,并被告知有变成植物人的危险。但在数月后瑞曼先醒了过来,这使杰西卡看到了丈夫康复如初的一线希望。而瑞曼竟对杰西卡说,他就是丈夫瑞恩。开始杰西卡并没有相信,但瑞曼的处事方法越来越像瑞恩,并说了很只有瑞恩才知道的秘密…
  • 影片讲述了一个家庭从上世纪九十年代至今的故事。家中有着截然不同的三个孩子:富有责任感,努力寻找着生活与工作的平衡点的长兄安卡萨,充满野心并正在申请美术研究生的次女奥萝拉,以及经历人生中第一个重大失败的三妹阿旺。在他们的概念里,家庭就像是父母用爱堆砌而成的监牢,由他们保守的父亲纳伦德拉及温顺的母亲阿珍共同构筑。当阿旺起身…
  • 剧情片
    They come from all over the world but they have one thing in common: The Foreign Legion, their new family. The film tells their stories: of women struggling to keep their love alive, men who leave for battle, and couples forming on hostile ground.
  • Glenn Danzig's directorial debut, is a horror anthology that compiles stories from Danzig's line of comic books of the same name. Stories which focus on horror content that's often sexual and violent in nature, usually featuring scantily-clad female protagonists.
  • The Art of the Piano is a feature-length, 106-minute documentary that presents in refreshingly straightforward fashion a portrait of 20th-century piano playing. The format is simple: short segments on virtually all of the great pianists who have ever been captured on film, augmented by extracts from interviews, sometim…