- 吉本新喜劇の座長でもある芸人すち子。真面目で熱血漢の刑事・春日。職業も性格もまるで違う二人が偶然からコンビを組み、ある商店街で起きた連続行方不明事件を追うことに。「男同士の絆」を軸に、ハードなアクションと吉本新喜劇ならではの人情喜劇が絶妙にマッチ。誰もが楽しめる痛快娯楽作品。
- The Carnival in Rio has catapulted Brazilian samba to prominence around the world as the ultimate mix of exuberance, sensuality and tradition. 'The Spirit of Samba' shows how much Brazilian music has profoundly influenced all kinds of musicians around the world, especially jazz artists. Along with the samba and bossa n…
- Brian Robertson is a home schooled child that comes from broken family. Brian's goal from a young age is to live a normal teenager's life. When he is finally able to make the dream a reality he is heaven. When tragedy strikes, his life is turned upside down. He feels taking his own life as being the only viable option …
- Shady and beautiful art dealer involves her former lover and an art expert in a scheme to deceive a rich collector. Exposed, she escapes to the State of Bahia backcountry with her new lover, a pilot.