搜索 Chua

  • 恐怖片
  • 變身邪惡的螳螂博士突然襲擊K City,讓K city陷入恐懼危機,人們紛紛害怕四處躲散,就在最危急的時刻,有位少年勇敢地挺身對抗....,因為他知道這是成為英雄最好的機會,而他的擁有的”秘密能力”將是左右這場戰役最大的關鍵... 頂尖的對決即將展開...
  • 剧情简介:金妹与带银皆为水上人,接客出海营生,经常争生意而斗个不休,金听闻银结识富家子,感不服决改形象以找机会.果然富家子何国基一见金即热烈追求,而银之男友正是基表亲陈明正,原来正喜钓鱼,常乘银之船出海而成好友.基取笑明爱上水上人,金恐基嫌弃,一直隐瞒身份,而金与银常互相炫耀得一如意郎君,幸彼此感情进展顺利,两家父母得知后相约见面,…
  • 纪录片生活
    本片是蒋能杰导演发起的抗战老兵系列纪录片中的一部,另外还有2015年的纪录片《龙老》,还有一部正在后期制作中的《将军的卫士》。(如有意合作和放映,请联系版权方微信:1714371600)纪录片《川军老兵彭国臣》记录曾参加抗战和内战的川军百岁老兵彭国臣晚年(2012-2 017年)的生活状况。彭老抗战身份一直不被认同,终身未娶,晚年与侄孙彭松柏…
  • Pongsatorn is a teacher in Thailand working on his thesis for his Master's degree. His chosen subject his the life and works of a French Catholic priest who lived in Thailand in the early part of the 20th century. His professor rejects his early drafts to his anger before realising the professor has pushed him to fully…
  • 当地报纸的记者相继失踪,追查同事下落的腐败媒体人西索,遇上在监狱的兼职杀手罗曼。
  • 喜剧片
    The Holy Man 2, the sequel to the comedy The Holy Man, introduces you to a new young monk named Brother Joey (Joey Boy) who replaces the position of the former Holy Man.Once he arrives at the temple, Brother Joey is assigned to develop the run-down temple as well as solve the problem that the temple is now facing; rock…
  • "Vampire" has been confined in a coffin at an abandoned building by a witch doctor. Two children playing in the area accidentally release him and he is free to roam the world again. He starts to possess two criminals and they acquire a thirst for the blood of girls. The whole local police station has been ass…