搜索 Colbert

  • Young lovers fall afoul of repressive society as Salem elders get caught up in the witch hunts and trials of 17th-century Massachusetts. One family in particular uses the hysteria to its advantage, getting even with everyone for every slight--real or imagined.
  • Kay Denham is off for a 'fling' in Paris, leaving her staid suitor Berk behind. There, she meets two new suitors, Gene and George. Gene smooth-talks her into a junket to Switzerland, but George (with no illusions about his friend) appoints himself chaperone. Through a series of slapstick winter sports, Kay remains puzz…
  • 讲述从日本战俘营幸存的种植园主Jim Frazer和他的妻子囤积武器和弹药,在橡胶园抵御马共武装的袭击
  • Grant Jordan, bachelor botany professor, marries Katie, a widow with three kids, despite the machinations of Grant's former girlfriend Minna. But on the wedding day, Aunt Jo, who was to babysit, breaks a leg; so the kids come along on the honeymoon. After misadventures en route, they make it to the Grand Canyon, only t…
  • 中年拉拉所向往的一切,主人公似乎都有了──稳定的工作、伴侣、家庭、还有个女儿,然而,在伴侣因病过世后,这个前卫家庭也逐渐产生了变化。十一岁的女儿处于青春期,叛逆行为让人头痛不己,而女主的工作又引来保守份子的不满,她与女儿的生活都受到了威胁。这个在伴侣过世后、才开始拙劣地学习当妈妈的铁T医师,要如何面对这一切?(@悸花网)
  • 三十年前,一部名为《星球大战》的电影上映了。这部令人始料不及的电影将观众们带入了遥远的另一个星系。它当时即抓住了公众的注意力,三十年后它仍然具有巨大的吸引力。在美国阵亡将士纪念日的周一,也就是五月二十八日,晚九点,历史频道将播出《星球大战》。这部两个小时的纪录片将带我们去探索,为何星战传奇能够留下如此日久弥新的精神影响…
  • 聖誕夜晚,聖誕老人在送禮物的途中意外昏倒,而罪魁禍首還是一群調皮搗蛋的小貓咪。但乖小孩的禮物還是得在天亮前全部送完,於是駕著麋鹿雪橇送禮物的重責大任,就落到了這群可愛的毛小孩身上。