搜索 Cordelia

  •   一条美人鱼从太平洋上被撕裂,尾巴被切掉,她被扔进了一个精神病院,在那里没有人相信她是美人鱼。
  • After purchasing a doll, Lane's life takes a turn for the worst when close friends and family begin vanishing.
  • 莉莉,诺拉和杰西卡是最好的朋友,他们住在一个小城镇。莉莉在她父母的园林绿化企业里工作,并若有所思地等待她和波多黎各的婚礼。害羞的杰西卡是一个美容师,最近才和她的野蛮丈夫分居,而单身的诺拉是一个加油站的出纳。在消防局的周年晚宴,莉莉得知了她未婚夫在欺骗她,她的世界分崩离析。作为报复,这三个女朋友冲动之下偷了消防部门的钱箱…
  • 剧情片剧情
  • 一阵南风
    In the dance hall scene, the camera tracks briefly two couples dancing. One of the men was an extra named Andrew John Petersen, and the other was a young actor named Roy Scheider.
  • 我的鬼屋第一季
    Delve into the dark side of famous American folk tales, exposing the horror at the root of these enduring mysteries. In this two-hour special, we visit five Haunted Houses, including the Donnelly Farm in Lucan, Ontario, once the blood soaked site of a massacre. Here an Irish immigrant family was burned alive when fear …
  • Art, politics and motorcycles - on the occasion of his 90th birthday John Berger or the Art of Looking is an intimate portrait of the writer and art critic whose ground-breaking work on seeing has shaped our understanding of the concept for over five decades. The film explores how paintings become narratives and storie…
  • 女青年卡塔丽娜有一个闺蜜玛丽,她们同时爱上了壁画修复师雅各布,阴差阳错帮玛丽写情书,然而面对自己的真爱,她宁愿让自己的闺蜜出面,也不敢说出自己内心的感受。最终,雅各布探出真相逼问卡塔丽娜,她终于放下懦弱接受了真爱。
  • School's out, exams are over, and it's time for real life to begin. But before 12 friends from the International High School in Prague disappear to the four corners of the earth, they intend to throw the best party of their lives. The idea to stage the party in Prague's biggest swimming pool is illegal but cool. And wh…
  • 新冒险舞团的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是对莎士比亚经典爱情故事的一次充满激情的当代演绎。基于前苏联作曲家谢尔盖·普罗科菲耶夫(Sergei Prokofiev)为芭蕾所作的经典配乐,当代英国舞蹈界鬼才马修·伯恩(Matthew Bourne)进行了全新的故事改编。他极具颠覆性地将背景设定在一所维罗纳管教院,年轻人被送到这里接受管束与训诫,在这个压抑人性的无…