搜索 Cosima

  • 恐怖片生活
    用命换钱:在不久的将来,一种将寿命转给他人的方法永远地改变了世界,并使生物技术初创公司 AEON 成为一家市值十亿美元的制药公司。 马克斯和埃琳娜过着近乎完美的生活。但当这对夫妇面临付不起的意外保险理赔时,一切都在瞬间改变了。为了还清债务,埃琳娜(马琳·坦茨齐克饰)必须“支付”40 年的寿命。他们一起被剥夺了未来,眼前的生活尽是…
  • 2018 PRO-DOCS 最佳电视纪录片   2018 西班牙巴塞隆纳国际纪录片影展 全球首映奖   2018 西班牙圣库加特奇幻影展 最佳编剧   2018 斯洛伐克天下一家电影节 官方展片   《时间窃贼》是一部令人大开眼界的纪录片,一步一步抽丝剥茧,探讨时间如何成为商人赚钱的生意。 为什麽「时间贫困」不断上升,我们越努力节省时间,剩下的时间却越少…
  • SinandIllyhaveaplan:onaGreekislandtheywanttoget'clean'ontheirown.Buttheintentionofthetwogirlsfailsalreadyonthewaytotheairport.FinallySinrealizesshehastogothewayoutofheroinaddictionallalone.
  • http://rapidshare.com/files/97588315/Storyville-Dolce.Vita.Africana.part1.rarhttp://rapidshare.com/files/97588605/Storyville-Dolce.Vita.Africana.part2.rarhttp://rapidshare.com/files/97588819/Storyville-Dolce.Vita.Africana.part3.rarhttp://rapidshare.com/files/97588982/Storyville-Dolce.Vita.Africana.part4.rarDocumentary …
  • 海外剧爱情
    简爱(泽拉· 克拉克 Zelah Clarke 饰)从小就失去了父母,成为孤儿,在经历了种种磨难之后,简爱终于完成了学业,成为了一名教师。简爱来到了桑菲尔德山庄,在那里遇见了个性古怪的罗切斯特(提摩西·道尔顿 Timothy Dalton 饰),两人针锋相对,常常产生激烈的争辩,与此同时,爱情亦在默默滋生。罗切斯特无法抑制内心的感情,向简爱表白,沉…
  • 维克多·雨果国家公敌
    1848, Paris under Siege: Victor Hugo is torn between his family, his mistresses and political turmoil - never mind finally completing his classic novel Les Miserables. Although Hugo is a confirmed Royalist, he supports the Republic and Louis Napoléon Bonaparte, who is soon to become president, convinced that he will in…
  • 欧美剧冒险
  • Once upon a time..... products were made to last. Then, at the beginning of the 1920s, a group of businessmen were struck by the following insight: 'A product that refuses to wear out is a tragedy of business' (1928). Thus Planned Obsolescence was born. Shortly after, the first worldwide cartel was set up expressly to …
  • 安德烈·波切利因为我相信
    Follows Andrea Bocelli not only backstage but beyond the stage and into his private life with family and close friends.
  • 纪录片音乐