- <p> 劇場版「美少女戦士セーラームーンCosmos」<br/> 2023年初夏 2部作連続公開!<br/> セーラー戦士、最後の戦いがはじまる―。<br/> STAFF<br/> 原作・総監修:武内直子 監督:髙橋知也 脚本:筆安一幸<br/> キャラクターデザイン:只野和子 音楽:高梨康治 美術監督:空閑由美…
- 1934: On a train to Stockholm, where he will shortly receive the Nobel Prize for Literature, Luigi Pirandello relives his fascination with the figures in his life who also inspired his art. Eterno Visionario concentrates on one phase of Pirandello’s career in order to show the playwright’s more intimate side, trapped b…