- Lars Rockne and his family, including his four year old son Knute, emigrate to Chicago in 1892 from their native Norway. By his mid-twenties Knute saves enough to attend obscure Notre Dame University, where he excels in football and chemistry. He and a teammate develop the forward pass as an offensive weapon while work…
- While trying to decide what Gregor Samsa wakes up as, Kafka's constantly being interrupted by knife-selling strangers, party noise, girls, fancy dress costumes, and other strange, dreamlike visions
- "前所未见的太空探索“!美国国家航空航天局打开了他们的保险箱,将珍贵的影片资料借给美国探索频道成就了这部惊人的高清纪录片。《从地球出发:NASA任务50年》讲述了人类最伟大的探险的迷人故事,并且由探索者亲自讲述。从早期的水星计划到载人航天,到影响深远的登月,从联盟号航天飞机对接到Bruce McCandless的人类第一次无绳太空行走…