搜索 Cule

  • 动作片
    A martial arts fighter, haunted by his past, takes a job as a dock worker in a small village. His vow never to fight again is tested by the cruel owner of the pier.
  • <p>  柴可利(David Gunn 饰)是从十九世纪起就生活在东欧的吸血鬼,曾经,柴可利有一个深爱的恋人,然而,这个女人却被仇视他的吸血鬼同类给杀害了。数百年来,柴可利一直都在寻找着给爱人报仇的机会,如今,他得到消息,他的仇人现身在美国,这里便是他的下一站。在美国,柴可利邂逅了名为索菲亚(Kirsten Cerre 饰)的女孩,…
  • 动作片冒险
  • 纪录片
    导演亚历山大·纳诺跟随罗马尼亚报纸Gazeta Sporturilor的一个精锐调查小组,试图揭露一起巨大的医疗欺诈行为,这些欺诈行为让大亨和政客致富,并导致无辜公民死亡。
  • 动漫动画
  • 动漫动画
    仗义友善的瓢虫父子Co和Junior为帮好友黑蚂蚁Mandible逃脱红蚂蚁的堵截,不幸从冰天雪地的法国流落至夏日炎炎的南美加勒比。他们用自己的勇敢、机智逃脱了热带雨林里螳螂及蜘蛛的魔爪,并结识了当地瓢虫,并与毛毛虫共同协力赶走了入侵他们家园的人类。与此同时Junior的勇敢也是它收获了爱情,希望留在美丽的加勒比。面对父子分别, Co和Ju…
  • 动作片
  • In the midst of religious intolerance and extremism, one religion—the Bahá’í Faith—offers a path toward world peace by advocating the oneness of humanity’s major religions. Now, this groundbreaking documentary tells the amazing, little-k…
  • An evolved Greek tale set in ages past with a style of urban legend dialogue on the life of Hercules. Follow him through his bold and brave life of stories, relationships, and family. This journey of Hercules follows the hero from childhood and beyond as he tries to gain immortality to please his father Zeus. Will He G…
  • Chef Valentina realizes that it's time for her to search for a new recipe for love & life [a year after her boyfriend Sebastian died]; as she prepares for the international cooking competition show "Succulent & Savory" with her friends and fellow chefs Charlotte, Maxmillian and mentor "Chef Alexa…