科幻巨作《沙丘》也要拍剧了,电影版由“甜茶”提莫西·查拉梅、丽贝卡·弗格森等人主演,目前正在拍摄中。华纳媒体集团直接预订了这部科幻题材剧集《沙丘:姐妹会》(Dune: The Sisterhood)整季,该剧与正在拍摄的《沙丘》电影世界共存,电影版导演丹尼斯·维伦纽瓦(《银翼杀手2049》《降临》)将担任执行制作人,并执导首集,乔·斯派茨(《太…
Esther Harrison has it good and got exactly what she wanted in life; steady income two kids and a loving husband but, when a dark figure from her past comes calling, it reveals a secret that will change everything.
Kennedy Blaine, a Californian girl, inherits a ranch in the small town of Valentine in Nebraska. Before she sells the property, she decides to spend the summer in her house and learn more about her family.
The great white hunter is showing of his collection methods of rare Venusian wildlife - all guns blazing. based on the world of Dr Grordbort by Greg Broadmore. 一趟金星的狩獵探險,布洛德佛斯勛爵獵殺美麗的珍奇異獸,讓祖國收藏更加豐碩,同行的記者小姐卻與他針鋒相對。復古B 級片搬到外星球,對帝國主義和權貴人士極盡揶揄。