- Shooting The Musical is a dark, comedic mockumentary about a group of young film school graduates attempting to create the most offensive film of all time: 'High School Shooting the Musical'.
- 罗马大将军泰特斯•安德洛尼克斯征战哥特人十年凯旋而归,并俘虏了哥特人皇后塔摩拉及她的儿子们。泰特斯把塔摩拉的长子当作祭品以慰他在战事中死去的十多位儿子。塔摩拉苦苦哀求却无法求得泰特斯的慈悲。自此,她对泰特斯恨之入骨。命运难料,罗马帝王取塔摩拉为后,得势的塔摩拉在嬖奴阿伦的帮助下,开始了对泰特斯的血腥报复。这出被称为莎士…
- A spoilt rich woman goes to prison and obviously wants to get out.She hatches an escape plan, bribing the prison mortician, whose responsibilities include carting out the corpses of dead prisoners.The plan is that she will climb into the coffin with the next dead prisoner and be buried alive, later the mortician will c…