搜索 Daan

  • This conversation explores the cinema approaches and thinking of film directors Agnes Varda and Susan Sontag, who were among the small group of artists represented in the prestigious seventh annual New York Film Festival (1969). Here they discuss their ideas and their films with Jack Kroll, senior editor at Newsweek ma…
  • 正值花样年华的女大学生Rina放假回家,原想好好享受家庭温馨,没想到就在一天裡一切都变了样!她先是发现知书达礼的老爸和身为当红主厨的老妈有吃人习惯,告诉她原来他们都是毛利人的后代。接着,不知道打哪来的,又有正在躲避警察追捕的越狱匪徒闯进来劫持他们一家人作为人质,而Rina竟然和其中的美艳女匪贼Gigi看对眼,两女天雷勾动地火一发不…
  • 基于杰夫·杰拉提的小说"双面"改编。比利时警官芬克及弗雷迪,联手欧洲刑警组织穆德警官,调查一起连环杀手案,所有受害者的均脑袋不翼而飞,11名嫌疑犯均告失败,最后出现了转机……
  • 讲述印度史诗《摩诃婆罗多》的大英雄迦尔纳悲剧一生的故事。比起传统的迦尔纳剧,这个版本的最大特点,一是N. T. Rama Rao一人分饰三角的强力表演,二是对于史诗中的大反派难敌突破性的刻画。对于难敌的描写不仅占据了本片半数以上的篇幅,而且塑造出了不同于以往史诗衍生剧的比较正面的难敌形象。
  • Redemption and damnation share a bed of hope in a love story between a suicidal psychiatrist and a drug addicted homicidal cop. How far can one fall, and how bad can one become, and still find forgiveness?
  • Bonnie takes care of her mother Lis, more than she takes care of Bonnie. Then one day Lis brings home an elephant…Bonnie (9) likes elephants, just like her family. Bonnie's mother, Mis, is not like other mothers. Sometimes she is very live…