搜索 DanLin

  • 腐烂的暗红色西红柿,布满虫眼的破败芽叶。扭曲的陶土泥人,惊恐地发现自己被牢牢地捆绑在肮脏的床上。他的整个身体正在被无数溃烂的食物所覆盖、侵蚀。他浑身散发着恶臭,生满密密麻麻的蛆。可是无论他如何挣扎,都逃不出这病态的死循环。直到警车鸣笛打破了这场疯狂的宰割与蹂躏。画面停留在一杯白水之上,悄然而终。   这部由捷克电影和动…
  • Even though the 1992 Los Angeles riots took place long before the spread of camera phones, they were captured on video from the beginning, or at least from the event that lit the spark: the beating of Rodney G. King by Los Angeles police officers. “LA 92,” one of several documentaries being released to commemorate the …