- 对生者来说,死后的世界难以想象,或者正因为死亡刹那体现出来的痛苦以及逝者面容的阴森惨淡,才领世人畏惧那个未知的世界,从而衍生出各种恐怖的联想。但或许,那个世界和我们的世界一样,充满了喜怒哀乐,甚至还要精彩一百倍。他们也许闲聊着自己生前的模样,也许依旧痴迷着已经变成骷髅的猫王,也许有爱情、有音乐、有玩笑,甚至还有满大街乱…
- When the last soul enters heaven and the first sinner is shut out of hell life as we know it will cease to exist. Geller, played by Ashley Gallo, runs for her life from the bloodthirsty zombies that seem to have over run her small town. For help during end times she turns to Mack (a criminal), two shady brothers and a …