- After a recent break-up, Alma tries to get her life back on track. But with no job, no qualifications and a rebellious streak a mile wide, it is not going to be easy. Meanwhile, her heroin-addicted mum has been sectioned for arson, and her vampish grandma Joan wants nothing to do with it.A bitingly funny and unflinchin…
- 秋良(赤楚卫二饰)在一家压榨员工的公司上班,他忍受着无休止的加班、老板的权力压迫和不合逻辑的任务,每天都感觉生不如死。一天早上,小镇被僵尸占领,熟悉的风景已经被摧毁。看到这样的场景,秋良高兴地大喊 ——因为他再也不用去办公室了。秋良展现出内心的积极面,列出了他在成为僵尸之前想做的 100 件事,包括打扫房子和在阳台上露营,然…
- 故事讲述了一位才华横溢的隐居科学家,利用他自制的时间机器,召集了历史上最伟大的思想家(莎士比亚、乔治·华盛顿、亚里士多德等)参加圆桌会议,以解决人类的所有问题。不幸的是,他的计划没有考虑到语言障碍、古老的种族主义和中世纪男性的谋杀倾向。我们的英雄没有向这些历史伟人学习,而是别无选择,只能追捕他们,并在他们毁掉我们的未来…
- DONALD IVERSON, a timid accountant with a deep aversion to conflict, works from home to avoid the pressures of the outside world until his boss bullies him into a brief work assignment. Reluctantly, Iverson embarks on this seemingly harmless mission, accompanied by his infant daughter. The fateful day takes a sinister …