- '1971', though deals with the Indian prisoners of wars in Pakistan, it isn't a film that would only appeal to Indians but to the world. One of the most finely crafted films of recent times, '1971' scores high on every department. Though the plot is fictitious, this movie does raise the question of what happened to the …
- 已被迪士尼收购的科学频道播出的纪录片,这部纪录片曝光了奈特-沙马兰(《第六感》导演)很多鲜为人知的秘密。该片播出后,沙马兰通过其经纪人表示了强烈的不满,随后科学频道也为此专门做了道歉,可见这部纪录片里猛料之多。
- The Government of India has chosen to present a literary award to Divakar Barve in recognition of his contribution to Indian Arts and Cinema. Divakar accepts this award, and the community decides to recognize this award-recipient at a special party just for him. Several big-wigs in Bombay city are invited, and they inc…