搜索 Delphin

  • 影片根据2008年发生在美国一小镇的真实事件改编。青春正茂,高中女学生们决定集体怀孕,宣告成年与独立,她们挺起肚子,在保守小镇上投下一颗又一颗**。当怀孕变成友情的象征,床边悄悄话已不再是少女的情怀私语,她们一起买验孕棒、一起体验全新的“生命”经历。女孩们之间幽微的勾心斗角与竞争,改以身体曲线来诠释,当肚子像气球涨起,生活究…
  • A female teacher begins an ambiguous relationship with a student, an agnostic teenager is « called » by God, a photographer offers herself to a stranger : do we choose to love, do we choose to be loved ?
  • 娜奈尔(玛丽·菲勒特 Marie Féret 饰)是伟大音乐家莫扎特(马克·巴贝 Marc Barbé 饰)的姐姐,和弟弟一样,娜奈尔继承的父亲杰出的音乐天赋,善于演奏大提琴和小提琴,同时也是一名优秀的音乐创作者。然而,在当时的社会,女性是不被允许登上舞台的,娜奈尔虽然拥有不输于任何人的技巧,却还是要听从父亲的安排,掩盖自己的光芒,进入修道…
  • 一个中年残疾男人无意间与一个女子开始书信往来,他渐渐觉得自己坠入了爱河,而当两个人要见面时,意外发生了……1981年恺撒奖最佳女配角提名——Delphine Seyrig
  • A manuscript is mysteriously delivered to a playhouse where it is eventually turned into a major hit with critics calling it a masterpiece. The only problem is that no one knows who wrote it. The actress of the play receives a call from the author and the two quickly becomes friends but the man won't give any details a…
  • 这是一部黑色复仇的褐色悬疑片,影片中的三个人,有着千丝万缕的关系,亚利克斯,一个尽忠职守、脑瓜灵活的警官,他有个女儿露露。亚利克斯的儿时一起成长朋友、曾经的同僚、前警官维克多,因为犯了刑事案件被亚利克斯逮捕做了牢,维克多从监狱里释放出来之后,展开了复仇计划。他参与了黑帮头子切库的非法勾当,为的就是要向亚利克斯复仇。就这…
  • Ten years after his death, the Paris Opera Ballet payed tribute to the American choreographer who considered the Paris Opera as his second home after New York City Ballet. The three pieces performed here illustrate not only the diversity of the choreographer’s repertoire and sources of inspiration, but also his love of…
  • Jonathan, twelve years old, lives with his sister, his mother and also some men. They all have the same face and nest in closets, drawers, TV set ...