搜索 Deshmukh

  • <p>  印度09最新喜剧,是著名的阿拉伯民间故事合集,它凭借丰富的想象、生动的描写风靡全世界,神话故事《阿拉丁》也出自这个合集,它曾多次被搬上大银幕。<br/>  印度电影人再次将它翻拍,与以往不同的是,这次制片方耗费巨资,运用了先进的电脑特技效果,力图带给观众一场豪华的幻想历险。虽然《阿拉丁》是大家都十分熟悉的故…
  •   居住在德里,以卖枪为生的社会青年索努.迪力一向得意于自己坑蒙拐骗的本领,然而突如其来的恋爱却唤起了他回归正道的念头。在他想要退出江湖时,一位质朴的警察来了,在他的威胁之下,索努被迫作为警方线人深入德里枪支贸易的最深处,从黑暗走向更深的黑暗……他能否全身而退?他的爱情会被谎言所断送吗?警方看似正义的行动背后有什么秘密…
  • <p>  1836年出现在南印度的三颗钻石吸引了众人的眼球,其中的两颗在1994年被比利时政府得到,后来又被一个外号Uncle的走私者抢到,而第三颗钻石的踪迹一直是个谜。可是就在10天前,第三颗钻石在Cape城出现,这又引发了一场钻石争夺战。警方提供线索说这颗钻石被中国黑手党抢走。委托中心与警方一起设计,将出400万美元买走这枚钻石。…
  • 剧情片
    A comedy centered around three people who each have a lookalike of a lookalike, all with the same name.@www.molikan.com
  • 剧情片生活
  • The story of the film revolves around the lives of three women - Aparna, Damini and Nancy. Aparna is a journalist. She suspects that her husband is having an affair with Damini, an IPS officer. Aparna's husband gets kidnapped. Aparna goes to meet Damini and a relationship between Aparna and Damini begins. Nancy is a ca…
  • After landing a Rs.80 Crore deal with businessman Kapadia, Joseph Rodriquez, decides to sell his Kasargaon mansion and enlists the services of real estate agent, Devyani Mitra. While traveling there, he comes to her assistance, and drives her to his mansion. Once there, after settling down for the night, she claims tha…
  • Poshter Boyz is a humorous take on a key social issue where three ordinary individuals of completely different age-groups find themselves brought together in an unwanted situation that has a serious negative effect on their well-settled happily progressing life. It revolves around an incident of three ordinary people w…
  • 爱情片剧情