- 机动战士高达SEED的系列作再开。这次除了我们大家熟悉的基拉(保志总一朗 配音)、阿斯兰(石田彰 配音)等人外,还有大量新角色的登场。而故事也将演变的更为复杂,冲突加剧,战争升级。C.E.70年2月,“血染情人节”事件的辐射效应还在地球联合军和ZAFT中延续着。二者发动了数次对抗,伤及众多无辜百姓。C.E.71年6月,地球联合军居然不顾条约发…
- 改编自网络小说《我成为了天才算命师》,将东方的四柱命理作为奇幻的四柱之谜展开。堪称世界第一的四大玄幻存在,标榜从生辰八字到武侠、动作、善恶、算命、萨满、道士等韩国产英雄剧幻想。
- A fateful encounter sends a man on a journey that makes him question the role of coincidence and fate in his life.
- Stephen is a socially awkward, middle aged telemarketer and is desperately alone. At the suggestion of a co-worker, he goes out into the night to find a prostitute for "The Girlfriend Experience". With this, he meets Christa, a streetwise call girl who's happy to fulfill his needs. Yet something unexpected ha…