搜索 Dibb

  • A man proposes to his boyfriend. The offer of marriage is accepted, and then quickly rejected -- all in the days leading up to Christmas.
  • 2007年David Chung和Matt Dibble执导的电影《Koryo Saram-The Unreliable People,纪录了前苏斯大林执政时期,被迫从远东迁往哈萨克斯坦幸存的朝鲜移民。他们在前苏被称为高丽人,又被贴上了不可靠的标签。本片于2007年在多伦多的亚洲国际电影节上获最佳纪录片奖。
  • A review of the life and work of Miles Davis as told by those who knew and worked with him.
  • 这是爵士钢琴大师凯斯.杰瑞特第一部自传式纪录片,透过英国知名导演麦克.迪布与爵士小号手(也是凯斯.杰瑞特传记的作者)伊恩.卡尔与凯斯.杰瑞特的深度访谈,呈现他对即兴艺术的独到见解与傲人的杰出成就。片中特别邀请ECM的曼弗雷.艾赫、经纪人、家人、妻子,以及他在音乐上的合作伙伴(奇克.柯瑞亚、查理.海登……等人)献身说法畅谈他们与凯…
  • 子弹男孩居住在一个边缘世界,在那里,友情和忠诚经受最大的考验,环境和命运的变数遥不可知如同硬币的正反两面,即使是灵光一闪的念头也会发出巨大的波澜……
  • 导演Oeke Hoogendijk跟随阿姆斯特丹国际博物馆的改建工程先后拍摄了四部系列纪录片,总时长4小时,最后重新剪辑为这个132分钟的版本。
  • 金发美女
    英国“金发美女 Blonde Bombshell”黛安娜·多丝Diana Dors的传记剧集。她将玛丽莲·梦露式的性感魅力带到英国,但同时也伴随着公共丑闻和个人悲剧。
  • 追寻伦勃朗
  • Art, politics and motorcycles - on the occasion of his 90th birthday John Berger or the Art of Looking is an intimate portrait of the writer and art critic whose ground-breaking work on seeing has shaped our understanding of the concept for over five decades. The film explores how paintings become narratives and storie…
  • Comedy about a film crew shooting a movie about guns and robbers, when real robbers turn up. Having to go home in robbers costume, they are mistakingly accused. In the end the real robbers are brought to justice.