- In this film, a couple, after seeing the lovely job a friend of theirs has done in converting an old mill house into a cozy mansion, moves into an old farmhouse after persuading the current owner, an old man, to leave. When they arrive, he appears to be preparing to leave, but it soon becomes evident that the man has n…
- Buka Barane is the name given to a rainbow in Kurdish. The documentary opens with a photograph from 1989. A photograph of primary school children in front of their school at a village of Befircan of the township of the province Hakkari, Yuksekova. Yuksekova is highly populated by Kurds. 23 years after the photograph wa…
- This 1978 film, set in 1907, is a tribute commemorating the 80th year of Czechoslovak filmmaking. Among the accomplishments of Czechoslovak filmmakers of the period are, the improvement on the Lumière camera and the creation of a commercially viable indigenous cinema years before Berlin. Czechoslovak films were suffici…
- 从旋转舞僧侣到千层酥糕点厨,从公共浴场按摩师到肚皮舞者,从地毯商人到博斯普鲁斯海滨豪宅的女主人,各类当地代表作为“游客”采访对象,基于导演作为导游和旅游手册撰写者的经验,从普通游客的好奇视角设计提问,呈现该城多领域文化的互动。在介绍老皇宫、索菲亚大教堂、蓝色清真寺和大巴扎等景点的同时也强调真实的伊斯坦布尔及其居民形象。…
- Kökleri saraya dayanan Katiboğlu ailesi maddi anlamda zor günler geçirmektedir. Kuyumculuk mesleğini atalarından devralan "Saraylı Bey" lakaplı Ata Katiboğlu, ailenin iki asırdır ikamet ettiği yalıyı satışa çıkarmak durumunda …