- 因犯規被罰出場的守門員布洛赫,在維也納街頭漫無目的地閒逛。他遇到了戲院售票員葛蘿莉亞,並跟蹤她到飛機場附近的荒涼公寓,卻莫名其妙殺了人。布洛赫逃到鄉間繼續漫遊,不時看報紙關注案情進展…
- The cultural magazine in the first, in the weekly change of six editors of the ARD radio stations.
- An investigative series that pairs Steve DiSchiavi, a retired Homicide Detective with the New York City Police Department with more than 21 years of active service with psychic communicator Amy Allan who has an established sixth sense and an affinity for channeling the dead. The partners explore each case on their own …
- 因犯規被罰出場的守門員布洛赫,在維也納街頭漫無目的地閒逛。他遇到了戲院售票員葛蘿莉亞,並跟蹤她到飛機場附近的荒涼公寓,卻莫名其妙殺了人。布洛赫逃到鄉間繼續漫遊,不時看報紙關注案情進展…