- <p> 又是一年圣诞节即将到来,冰川上的老朋友们自然不会错过这个重要的节日。松鼠斯克莱特(Scrat)仿佛来到了天堂,因为到处都有用来装饰用的松果,他也惹出不少乱子和笑话。另一方面,猛犸象曼尼正在推着一枚巨大光亮的圆石,他称之为“圣诞石”,是猛犸象家族世代流传的宝物。相传圣诞节见到这枚石头就会知道这家里有小孩子存在,从…
- Graduation is looming and the seniors of Lawndale High are busy with college preparations. Daria and Tom are applying to snobby Bromwell, which Tom seems sure to get into, while Jane faces rejections from local art schools and contemplate life without an art degree. Jodie applies to an African American college against …
- From the hit series "Daria" comes her first movie, "Is It Fall Yet?", immediately following season 4 of the show. The movie follows Daria and the students of Lawndale High over their summer vacation. Kevin and Brittany become lifeguards, while Quinn and the Fashion Club all get a tutor, David, who Q…